Talent Business Partner/Talent Acquisition Associate

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10 months old

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Lalamove is disrupting the logistics industry by connecting customers and drivers directly through our technology. We offer customers a lightning fast and convenient way to book delivery and moving services whether they are at their home, at work or on the go. People talk about O2O, we live it!

Our strength lies in our internal values, namely Passion in serving local communities, empowering SMEs and our driver partners, Execution and Grit because that is how we differentiate ourselves by never giving up and striving for excellence, and Humility - awareness in ourselves to learn from others and never stop improving.

At Lalamove, we strongly believe in the power of community. Millions of drivers and customers use our technology every day to connect with one another and move things that matter. Delivery is what we do best and we ensure it is always fast and simple. Since 2013, we have tackled the logistics industry head on to find the most innovative solutions for the world’s delivery needs. 

Our vision is to bring communities closer and make city life easier by allowing fast and convenient circulation of goods. We realise this vision with a ‘glocal’ approach, building a robust operations team to adapt our product to local networks of businesses and delivery contractors. At the same time, we have ambition to build an international brand by establishing  an even more global presence.

About this role 

All great people teams are built on rock solid foundations - as the business needs continue to evolve, we are now seeking a Talent Business Partner, focusing on Talent Acquisition and helping to strengthen our organization by adding the best available talent to our workforce. Source, identify, screen, and hire individuals for various roles in our company.

This role will support the Manager to mainly manage the Talent Acquisition under the HR function in Taiwan.
We’re looking for someone who has experience in a high-growth startup, with mass recruitment experience, and is able to recruit the right people quickly. 

【職務內容】Talent Acquisition (80%)

  • 扮演Business Partner的角色解決並滿足各部門當前與未來的人才需求
  • 持續優化招募流程及工具,提高招募效率與招募品質,為公司招募、任用優秀人才
  • 持續開發、經營、維護與拓展多元招募管道
  • 執行人才招募,包含履歷篩選、邀約、面試等相關甄選作業,達成組織人力需求目標
  • 協助人力規劃與績效評估專案
  • 【職務內容】People Operations (20%)

  • 參與人資制度、公司組織流程管理與優化
  • 其他人資、辦公室行政相關專案規劃及執行
  • 【我們正在尋找這樣的你】

  • 認同並能充分展現Lalamove的四個核心價值觀——熱情、毅力、謙遜和執行力
  • 對變化的適應力好,個性沉穩、積極正向
  • 細心、可獨立作業者且具問題解決能力
  • 2年招募經驗者。具多元招募管道、雇主品牌經驗者尤佳
  • 【工作待遇】

  • 月薪40,000-55,000元
  • 薪資最終將依人選能力核定