Schibsted Media Group

In 2009 Schibsted's Swedish activities were merged into one company, Schibsted Sverige AB, which consists of three entities: Aftonbladet, Svenska Dagbladet and Schibsted Tillvaxtmedier. Schibsted Sverige employees approximately 1,300 people, most of whom are employed in the media companies Aftonbladet and Svenska Dagbladet. The newspaper publications and news websites for Aftonbladet and Svenska Dagblad are core activities in Schibsted Sverige's business. Added to that is a long list of exciting and innovative online services outside the sphere of publishing, all of which are gathered under the umbrella of Schibsted Tillvaxtmedier AB with the search engine as the most wellknown participant. The Swedish online classified businesses Blocket and Byt Bil, however, belong to Schibsted Classified Media. Schibsted Sverige's history began already in 1830 when Lars Johan Hierta founded Aftonbladet. Svenska Dagbladet was founded fifty years later. Schibsted acquired Aftonbladet in 1996 and Svenska Dagbladet in 1998. Aftonbladet is Sweden's biggest newspaper. Svenska Dagbladet was voted the Newspaper of the Year in Sweden in 2005 and 2010. The successful online concept Blocket was acquired by Schibsted in 2003. Today our business activities are market leaders in the digital media business in Sweden. and are Sweden's leading websites. Our Swedish activities reach out to half the population of Sweden every day. From early 2011, most of the Swedish activities are gathered under one roof in Kungsbrohuset near Stockholm Central Station. The building is considered to be one of the world's most environmentally office premises. Schibsted Sverige is collaborating with the KTH Royal Institute of Technology on a project to raise awareness and knowledge about environmental issues in relation to the company's activities. The CEO is Raoul Grunthal.